Find Work In New Zealand With Work-Permit Visa!


Enhance your career with New Zealand work experience!

New Zealand is a place where an immigrant calls it a home away from home. Those who visit New Zealand on Tourist Visa fall in love all over again and find an excuse to visit New Zealand again and again. It’s a place where children grow safe in the lap of nature, where there is low crime rate and low pollution index. The environment is demanding for families to work and live a peaceful life, because work-life balance is established. It’s a more discussed point regarding working in Kiwis that the work-life balance is well balanced.

Finding a work in New Zealand is never a hurdle if one possesses necessary qualifications and experience. The life of an immigrant is cool, while making a great career in Kiwis nation. If your skill falls under the long term skill shortage list (LTSSL), you have a red carpet laid for your immigration to New Zealand.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Qualified with the essential skill set in an occupation listed under long-term skill shortage list
  2. Relevant experience in the concerned field
  3. Registration with New Zealand’s concerned board
  4. Offer letter from New Zealand employer to work in the country

Immigrants to New Zealand – welcomed by friendly Kiwis

Duration of work visa to New Zealand is 30 months, which helps to integrate with immigration process New Zealand. If an applicant lives in New Zealand for 2 years on a work permit visa, working in an occupation which was listed under long-term skill shortage list then the applicant will be eligible to apply for immigration to New Zealand. Kiwis are friendly people and have ethical values and strong foundation for family structure.  The work requires one to get registered with the board of concerned department. Healthcare sector, Engineers, Finance department, construction sector are all in demand of the skilled work force who can be granted with work visa at the earliest, if they meet with essential qualifications in the required field.

The Work-permit visa holder can sponsor his dependent family members, to live in New Zealand. The education system is well reputed and the children have a very well established, planned curriculum during their study, which makes their education unique.


Dependent’s Visa to New Zealand for the spouses of Work-permit visa holders

The partner should establish that their relationship is genuine and stable while applying for the dependent visa New Zealand. The Visa will let the dependent stay in New Zealand so long as the chief applicant’s visa expires. Good character, without preliminary crime record and health certificates are also required to be submitted along with the proof of support of the partner to bring-in the dependents to New Zealand.

Skilled Migrant Category – Fast track immigration to New Zealand

If the occupation of the applicant falls under Skilled Migrant Category, the applicant is eligible to apply for resident visa New Zealand immediately. The points-based visa helps immigration to New Zealand easily under Skilled Migrant Category. The age should be less than 55 years. The English Language proficiency score should be considerable, along with certificate of good character without any criminal record and medically fit with good health. These are considered to be the general requirements for one who applies under Skilled Migrant category New Zealand.

For more information on immigration to New Zealand and immigration to other nations, contact Global tree Overseas Immigration and Education Consultants who have expert counselling team, well informed, up dated and equipped with the current affairs, latest changes in the Visa process. Our counselors can offer the best advice to integrate with the visa which is suitable to you. Log on to our website to find the branch near to you as Global Tree has 14 branches across India.